Consciousness over the matter when a mother lifts a car to save her child …
CASE OF PSI ABILITIES AND EFFECTS – David Wilcox & Corey Goode Transcript – An Excerpt
What do you think is going on in these documented cases – you don’t hear about them much anymore – where a mother and child are trapped under a car, and the mother lifts it up with a massive feat of strength. What do you think is happening in a case like this? [I did find a local news story with a case of a young girl moving a car of her father.]
Well a lot of people say it’s adrenaline, and they have done studies into this, but a lot of it – they say – is mind over matter, but I like to say mind over what’s the matter – its consciousness. And consciousness is extremely powerful. More then likely what is happening is our consciousness, in that moment of the now, is changing the physics or the matter around you to where you are changing the outcome of that situation. [This would be an example where higher laws are overcoming lower laws, described in detail within the Hermetic text known as the Kybalion. In this way, the term Natural Law denotes the physical laws of the universe, as we know them, as well as the seemingly miraculous phenomenon such as psi abilities or spontaneous healing. Here no laws of the universe are broken, but we access more of consciousness itself, which is superior to the material universe in that the consciousness of ourselves and the things moved becomes one; a co-creative act.]”
Elizabeth’s further comment: So, I say for my own clarification, in the moment of a crisis, our desire for a specific outcome can alter the current reality of the physical materials involved. Yes we can become super human but we may also actually alter the weight of the car by interfering with its usual physics because our vision of our very strong passionate desired outcome (save a loved one) overrules with our consciousness the “normal physics” of matter in the area. Mind and consciousness, over the matter, the weight of the car … the time left to save a loved one … etc … enter consciousness stimulated change in physics to alter the outcome. Spoon bending is a similar demonstration, probably without the adrenaline. Also levitation is a consciousness change that alters material physics of matter.