The virtues of the highly creative Leo are humility and compassion. Its’ vices are pride and self-centeredness. Our capacity to feel the suffering of another awakens compassion and the desire to liberate others from their anguish. Yet true compassion (highest love) frees us from the need to try to change others. When a Leo is too enthralled with his royal elegance he stagnates into excessive pride or even self-centeredness. After all, the planets revolve around ME, he might say…

*The Sun rules free spirited Leo the Lion. He radiates warmth and light; touching our hearts and enlivening all life. the Sun transmits a magnetic coherent energy which we could call Love. This resonant energy attracts and bonds together our planets, as well as the cells of all bodies. Leo’s brightest fixed star is Regulus. It is located in the heart of the Lion constellation and is said to regulate life force. The Sun rules our Hearts, and the circulation of blood, energy and life force. Regulus is one of the four brightest fixed stars that forms the grand cross that our heavens are mapped out on.

*Sunday is ruled by our Sun. The Sun influences our soul intention and our will to live higher love. It resonates with the heart or 4th chakra. The Sun cultivates right attitude or mindfulness. Thoughts are friendly; life is passionate. The Sun asks us to recognize our true self as our Highest Self and inner self, and to have total confidence in that. It is not necessary to look for confirmation from the outside world for this inner knowing. The Sun asks us “How do I recognize, honor and integrate the radiance of my Divine Self in daily Life?” Note your inner response(s) and say yes I will follow through with …. Or no I will stop or manage differently appropriate actions according to your message

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ELIZABETH AULT MUSINGS JULY 2015Elizabeth Ault Musings for Virgo