Scorpio the Scorpion’s Virtues and Vices

Scorpio the Scorpion’s Virtues and Vices

Scorpio’s  task is to learn the VIRTUE of patience which becomes humility and develops insight. The scorpion dives deep to probe the world of hidden agendas; the mysteries, that may take time to unravel. Patience has a particular way of waiting with dynamic expectation in it. Hidden agendas may be revealed in due time. The cycles of life unfold reliably. Frost’S sting has snapped the life out of nature in November. Sap sinks to the tips of the  roots. It is a long wait through chilled winter months for spring’s warmth to rise again.

Scorpio embodies the patience and solitude of a hunter and a shepherd. A hunter is receptive to the subtleties of scent, sounds and signs. He circles and secretly stalks silently, studying the habits and haunts of his prey. The urge to pounce prematurely may spoil the prize. The good shepherd is a protector who patiently and earnestly looks over his flock. Both are alert to the signs around him.

The VICES of Scorpio are secrecy and impatience can be mean spirited, prideful or service to self-centeredness. Whomever speaks or plants SEEDS too soon , before season or truth has ripened, hinders judgments  and undermines the value of the outcome… What do  you cultivate during the long wait until spring?  We depart from the charming, romantic and artistic Libra who thrives in the world of social relationships and shift into the intense, magnetic Scorpio character with their needs to be self-sufficient, deep and in control. Scorpios term is from October 23d through November 21st. Darkness drops suddenly sooner, and the early morning hours remain cloaked longer.  The Scorpion penetrates the depths to perceive the wisdom.

“When a man does know himself,

His self becomes the world;

When man doth know the world,

The world becomes his self.”

By Herman Wittzenman in Virtue Contemplations

Tuesday is MARS’ day. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars. Mars influences that which activates us toward initiatives or because of our resistance, breaks us down. It resonates with the 5TH or throat chakra. Mars cultivates right ASPIRATION to the wisdom that serves the greatest good for all.  Mars asks of us to carry out every resolve we make . Every lack weakens our will , because we are unfaithful to our self. How can I be faithful to my own aspirations? Mars embodies the will forces of the individual self. Pluto informs the will of the higher self in your evolutionary path. Pluto presides over the major initiations of life and death; conception, birth, death, as well as power, money and needs for control. These are major points on our soul journey for change and  transformation.

The home houses of Aries and Libra in your Birth Horoscope Astrology Chart will focus where these dynamics are playing out most dramatically in your life. Where are we still being part of the problem and where can we be part of the solutions? Bottom line; are we in service to self or service to others? May the weather spirits bring clear skies.

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